Friday, September 22, 2006

Guess who's got yogurt

As I said in the first post, I will probably post about the bargains I get when shopping. I like to share the information and help others learn to save money. Eh, who am I kidding, it's brag time.

So today I bought yogurt. The stars aligned and the coupon age of aquarius arrived. (Cue the "Hair" music.) Jewel had the Dannon Lite andFit Crave Control yogurt 2/$4, I checked my Avenu (Jewel's in house coupons) to see if the Crave Control coupon was back in my offers. It was. $1.25 off each, limit 6 per visit. The thing about the Avenu coupons is that you can combine them with manufacturer's coupons. So here is what I did:

6 - Crave Control 4 packs 6@$2.00 = $12.00
6 - Avenue coupons 6@-$1.25 = -$7.50
4 - Manufacturer's coupons 4@-$1.00 = -$4.00

Total cost of yogurt $0.50 plus tax. (A less than $0.10 a 4 pack) So I gave 2 packs to my mom, and have 16 cups of yogurt in my fridge. I am thinking I might want to freeze some, maybe add some fruit and make smoothie popsicles. Not as good as the 10 boxes of Pop Tarts that cost me -$0.75, that's right I made money and got 10 boxes of PopTarts. I gave some of those away too.

Maybe another day we can have a discussion about toothpaste, although it may be when you get a Christmas package from me and it contains a couple of tubes. Current count is 14 tubes and I still have a few months left. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Anonymous said...

It's 14 tubes now? Wow, you are a stock piling momma. Congrats on the good deals lately.

The Mama said...

Hey there Chris!!

I just linked to you through Lisa. It's so funny how many High School friends have blogs, what a great way to stay in touch!!

I can't believe your baby is almost 2!! I remember the e-mail that you sent out when he was born. Man how time flies!

Talk to ya later!

felicia said...

You're cracking me up! I do the same thing, I used to do too, and then I decided it was easy enough to do myself.

I LOVE stickin' it to the Man!

Coupon Chris said...

I am about to cancel thegrocerygame. The lag time makes me crazy. I have found a new place. I post at in some of the deal sections. There are a lot of people like us. They post deals for tons of stores, although the best are CVS and Walgreens. Sometimes, they catch ones I don't. You can totally clean up. But that's how I end up with so much toothpaste. How do you pass it up when you will only pay $0.12/a tube for Crest?