Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Man it bugs me.

When I hear that people use "Every Breath You Take" by the Police as a wedding song, it makes me stabby. Seriously. This is not a love song, at least it's not about the kind of love I want. Listen to the lyrics people. It is about stalking.


The Mama said...

Truer words were never spoken! I hate that song!

Coupon Chris said...

I don't hate the song, but it's not my favorite Police song. I really hate people who think it is a love song, it makes me question their intelligence.

felicia said...

I guess it's better than Roxanne as a wedding song. ;)

Coupon Chris said...

But Roxanne would fit if you were marrying a hooker. "Those days are over, you don't have to sell your body to the night" He's going to save her after he get the clap treatment. It's rather sweet in a seedy way.

Coupon Chris said...

Exactly. He wants to save her, she kills him in the end. It's your typical love story. Boy meets troubled girl, boy tries to save troubled girl, boy winds up eating poisoned tapioca. It's a classic.